JAS Certification is one of certification body in the worldwide that have focus to be organization partner for certification process , in order to fulfill customers desired the be spoke personal service offered by the smaller yet highly experienced professional staff that could be furnished by his accreditation company.
We carry out assessments and certification for Quality Management Systems Certification with the approaching of complying according to the standard requirement at the highest level and added value audit. Time by time , we are increasing our scope of services to encounter business that continually growth.
It is the mission of Worldwide Quality Assurance to be a pre-eminent worldwide provider of Quality Systems Certification and to provide value added services to meet or exceed all the requirements of its clients. JAS Certification will ensure that it provides at all times, an efficient, professional and cost effective service that as minimum meets customer requirements, the intention always being to exceed them through the exceptionally high standard of service provided.
JAS Certification manual describes the structure of the organization and it lays down the policies that operate the quality management system.
Quality is the concern of all company personnel including the governing board and the management committee. All are fully conversant with company objectives and are committed to maintaining the Management System according to the requirement of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17021:2015.
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